Uniswap UniswapV3 UniswapV2 – How is the Price of a Token Calculated on Uniswap and Other DEXes?


I have just started learning about Uniswap. I have a question, How a price of a token is calculated? I know the x*y = k which defines the price of 2 assets from a pool but how the value of a single token is being calculated by Uniswap. For example, when we go to the Uniswap app here the price of eth on Uniswap is 1,823.37 atm. How this price is calculated?
enter image description here

Best Answer

The price of anything is calculated against something else. Nothing has value by itself.

Remember the first time man traded a cow for a chicken. One gives a cow value in chickens. So the next time someone will do the same, he knows the price already.

But... chickens and cows have a limited amount in the village ( the pool ) so when one is exchanged in favor of the other, the price raises to keep proportion.

A cow by a cow have no absolute value. Don't forget that the money itself is something that you buy and sell.

When you throw some tokens to the pool, you must give something to represents the other side of the scale ( BNB,ETH or BTC ). The initial proportion of tokens/coins will define the initial price.

When you put one and remove other (to take one you must give other) the proportion changes and the price changes too.

If you have much more on one side than the other, we say it is "undervalued". You need to put much less to buy much more.

This process defines the value of anything we humans trade.

It is duplicate anyway: How the price of a token is defined?