Whitelisted NFT Mint – How to Conduct via Email Using MetaMask and ERC-721


I am trying to do an NFT launch via email. I have a basic NFT smart contract that I'm ready to deploy. I also have a react app with metamask connected and a button for the end user to mint an NFT. My NFT and react minting site is based on this code https://github.com/angkushsahu/Robopunks.

I have a list of whitelisted people but I only have their email addresses. How can I make it so only people that I email an invite to can mint an NFT? Does anyone have a tutorial or codebase I can reference?

Best Answer

You got a few options. No judgement.

  1. You can use a special website with one-time codes. Mail one code to each email customer. And that can directly mint.
  2. You can use a special website with one-time codes. Mail one code to each email customer. And that will use an on-chain mint pass to prepare them for minting.
  3. Deploy your smart contract but don't announce it. Then mail your email list and ask them to buy but to not tell anybody until a certain time.
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