tokens – How to Listen to Events Involving a Specific Contract


I would like to do something when an NFT from my contract gets transferred to another user. Can I listen to events like this? If not, what would be the best way to get around this?

Best Answer

Yes, there is a RPC call to filter logs.

Here is a permissively licensed script that specifically listens for Transfer so we can prepare to take some action. There is another script in the same repo to perform the actions.

Here is the relevant code:

// From Su Squares, the first ERC-721 NFT for sale

import fs from "fs";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
const config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./config.json"));
const state = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./build/resume.json"));
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(config.provider);

// Contracts ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const suSquares = {
    address: "0xE9e3F9cfc1A64DFca53614a0182CFAD56c10624F",
    abi: [
        "event Personalized(uint256 squareNumber)",
        "event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed squareNumber)"
    startBlock: 6645906
suSquares.contract = new ethers.Contract(suSquares.address, suSquares.abi, provider);

// Filters /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
const filterSold = suSquares.contract.filters.Transfer(suSquares.address, null, null);
const sold = suSquares.contract.queryFilter(filterSold, state.startBlock);

const filterPersonalized = suSquares.contract.filters.Personalized();
const personalized = suSquares.contract.queryFilter(filterPersonalized, state.startBlock);

// Main program ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
await Promise.all([sold, personalized]).then((values) => {
    const [soldEvents, personalizedEvents] = values;
    console.log("Scanning since block", state.startBlock);
        "Count of events",
    if (soldEvents.length + personalizedEvents.length === 0) {
        process.exit(0); // success
    process.exit(1); // failure
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