Blockchain – How to Pass Object as Constructor Arguments to a Contract Using Forge Create


Simple deployment command of a contract with two constructor arguments using forge is as follows
forge create src/Contract.sol:MyToken --constructor-args "My Token" "MT"

But in my case, I should pass some objects as constructor arguments to deploy a contract similar to below one

struct DiamondArgs {
    address owner;
    address init;
    bytes initCalldata;

contract MyContract {
    constructor(DiamondArgs memory _args) {}

So, the deployment command would look like this
forge create src/MyContract.sol:MyContract --constructor-args '{owner: "ownerAddress", init: "initAddress", initCalldata: "initCalldata"}'

When trying to pass that object, the result looks like this :
forge create --constructor-args [object Object] ...

What's the workaround for this?

Best Answer

Ok, took me too long to figure it out but you can pass objects by using --constructor-args-path and creating a file named 'args' with your arguments in it.

In your case:

(0xMyAddress1, 0xMyAddress2, 0x03)

Hope this helps, let me know if you have questions!