Hardhat – Property ‘address’ Does Not Exist on Type ‘BaseContract’: How to Resolve Issues with Hardhat-deploy


I have TimeLock contract that extends TimelockController from OpenZeppelin contracts:

contract TimeLock is TimelockController {
    uint256 minDelay,
    address[] memory proposers,
    address[] memory executors,
    address admin
  ) TimelockController(minDelay, proposers, executors, admin) {}

I am using hardhat to deploy the contracts in which hardhat deploys TimeLock contract before it deploys Box contract. I am retrieving the TimeLock contract address in Box contract deploy script but it's showing error for transferOwnership(timeLock.address);

Property 'address' does not exist on type 'BaseContract'

const deployBox: DeployFunction = async function (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
    const { getNamedAccounts, deployments, network } = hre;
    const { deploy, log, get } = deployments;
    const { deployer } = await getNamedAccounts();
    log("Deploying Box ...");
    const box = await deploy("Box", {
        from: deployer,
        args: [],
        log: true,

    const boxContract = await ethers.getContractAt("Box", box.address);
    const timeLock = await ethers.getContract("TimeLock");

    const transferOwnershipTx = await boxContract.transferOwnership(timeLock.address);
    await transferOwnershipTx.wait(1);
    log("Box ownership has been transferred to TimeLock contract");


Best Answer

Try using contract.target or await contract.getAddress() instead. Ethers v6 has different interfaces to Ethers v5.


It's possible you have differing versions installed. Frameworks and tool sets have not settled on a commonly supported version.