Gnosis Safe Core SDK – How to Troubleshoot Proposed Transaction Not Appearing in Queue


I'm using the safe-core-sdk to propose a transaction to my Gnosis safe.

Once proposed, I can view the transaction by going to it directly with this URL:

However it doesn't appear in the queue.

The more serious problem is that once I do go to that direct link, if I click confirm the confirm button flashes twice, but doesnt do anything. I'm connected with a metamask wallet, and would expect a dialogue to pop-up to sign the confirmation.

If I propose transactions via the UI, rather than the SDK, I can confirm and execute them as usual. I've also been able to propose transactions with previous versions of the core-safe-sdk.

Best Answer

The interface only shows transactions with at least one owner signature. Otherwise, it would be possible to spam/propose malicious transactions by anyone. Your transaction has 0 signatures.