Remix – How to Retrieve an Already Deployed Contract with Remix


Yesterday I was working on a contracted that I deployed.

Now I would like to access my contract on Remix by using the address, in DEPLOY AND RUN TRANSACTIONS:

  • I set Injected Web3, like I did yesterday to deploy.
  • I have my MetaMask properly set, with the same network and same address I used yesterday.
  • I added the contract address in the field: At Address, but the button stays greyed.

Do I miss something?

Best Answer

You did everything right. But before that, you'll need to open the contract in the editor and compile it. When you do that, you'll see the Contract name in the "Contract" field on the deploy page (see image). This is to let Remix know which ABI to use to interact with the contract. Once you select the right contract, then you add the deployed contract address and click "At Address" and now you'll see the available functions below.

Screenshot from Remix

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