Solidity – How to Return All the Structs Inside a Nested Mapping


I'm working on a smart contract that allows users to subscribe to different Plans.

I have a nested mapping that returns a struct(Subscription). I wanted to create a function that returns all the subscriptions that exist in a specific plan(0,1,2..).

The function that I wrote doesn't return all structs it returns only the first one after that it returns only zeros.

totalSubscriptions increase when a new user creates a new subscription.

address[] allSubcribers contains all the addresses of subscribers.

currentId represents the id of the plan that a subscriber signed up for.

struct Subscription {
    address subscriber;
    uint start;
    uint nextPayment;

mapping(address => mapping(uint => Subscription)) public subscriptions;

function getAllsubscriptions() external view returns (Subscription[] memory) {

    Subscription[] memory items = new Subscription[](totalLoans);
    for(uint256 i = 0; i < totalSubscriptions; i++) {
        uint256 currentId = i;
        LoanRequest storage currentItem = subscriptions[allSubcribers[currentId]][currentId];
        items[currentId] = currentItem;
        currentId += 1;

    return items;

What do you think?

Best Answer

To help you, I wrote a contract with functions that can return list of all addresses subscribed to a specific subscription plan (0,1,2 ....) + other functions like deleteUser(),subscribeUser() etc.

It's example of how you can do it all without for loops (you instead use mapping to remember "index")

This is a simple example where every user only has a single subscription, but it can be modified such that a single user has as many subscriptions as you wish. But I tried to keep it simple/redable so as to not overwhelm you.

Hope it helps.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
    contract SubscriptionContract {
     mapping(uint => Subscription) public subscriptionMap;
     mapping(address => UserData) public userMap; //Helps to know which user is subscribed to which service
    struct Subscription {
        string subscriptionName; //Netflix,Amazon etc
        address[] addresses;
    struct UserData {
        uint subscriptionID; //Code number for Netflix,Amazon etc
        uint index; //Users location is array of addresses (So we can delete it without For loop)
    function createSubscription(uint subscriptionID, string calldata name) public {
        subscriptionMap[subscriptionID].subscriptionName = name; //Netflic,Amazon etc
    //User subscribes himself 
    function subscribeUser(uint subscriptionID) public {
        userMap[msg.sender].index = subscriptionMap[subscriptionID].addresses.length;
    //We delete specific user from subscription
    function deleteUser(address userAddress) public {
        //First we find his subscriptionID
        uint subscriptionID = userMap[userAddress].subscriptionID;
        //Next we find user's location in the array
        uint index = userMap[userAddress].index;
        //Now we delete the user from subscription (if it's there)
        //Deleting a member in array is done by replacing it with the last member of the array
        uint lastIndex= subscriptionMap[subscriptionID].addresses.length -1;
        subscriptionMap[subscriptionID].addresses[index] = subscriptionMap[subscriptionID].addresses[lastIndex]; //Replacment
        subscriptionMap[subscriptionID].addresses.pop(); //Removing value at lastIndex
    function getAllSubscribers(uint subscriptionID) public view returns (address[] memory) {
        return subscriptionMap[subscriptionID].addresses;

EDIT: Considering you said the first answer did not suit your needs, I just tried to fix your code (What is a bit tricky as we don't have entire contract so I have to guess some stuff)

I think your issue was mixing unit currentIndex vs unit currentId, you seem to be using both instead only one of those variables.

Below is adapted version of your code.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
    contract AllSubscriptions {

struct Subscription {
    address subscriber;
    uint start;
    uint nextPayment;

mapping(address => mapping(uint => Subscription)) public subscriptions;

uint totalSubscriptions; //Number of subscriptions

function addSubscription(uint subscriptionID, uint startDate) public {

    subscriptions[msg.sender][subscriptionID].start = startDate; //Added new subscription
    subscriptions[msg.sender][subscriptionID].subscriber = msg.sender; //Added new subscription
    totalSubscriptions +=1;

function getAllsubscriptions() public view returns (Subscription[] memory) {

        Subscription[] memory items = new Subscription[](totalSubscriptions);

        //We asume subscriptionID's are incremental (from 0 -> totalSubscriptions)
        for(uint i = 0; i < totalSubscriptions; i++) {
            uint subscriptionID = i;
            // pointer 
            Subscription storage currentSubscription = subscriptions[msg.sender][subscriptionID];
            items[subscriptionID] = currentSubscription;
            subscriptionID += 1;

        return items;


EDIT2: Second version of contract (Here for simplicity I assumed every user only has a single Subscription + subscriptionID cant be Zero)

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
    pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
contract AllSubs {

struct Subscription {
    address subscriber;
    uint start;
    uint nextPayment;

mapping(address => mapping(uint => Subscription)) public subscriptions;  //uint = 0 is a default value, so no subscription should have that number as its ID. 

uint totalSubscriptions; //Number of subscriptions

address[] allSubcribers; //Array contaning all subscribers
uint[] subscriptionList; //This way I know who has what subscriptionID

function addSubscription(uint subscriptionID, uint startDate) public {

    if (subscriptions[msg.sender][0].start == 0){
        allSubcribers.push(msg.sender); //Adding address to the list if this is its first subscription

    subscriptions[msg.sender][subscriptionID].start = startDate; //Added new subscription startDate
    subscriptions[msg.sender][subscriptionID].subscriber = msg.sender; //Added new subscription
    totalSubscriptions +=1;



function getAllsubscriptions() public view returns (Subscription[] memory) {

        Subscription[] memory items = new Subscription[](totalSubscriptions);

        //We asume subscriptionID's are incremental (from 0 -> totalSubscriptions)
        for(uint i = 0; i < allSubcribers.length; i++) {
            address subscriberAddress = allSubcribers[i];
            uint subscriptionID = subscriptionList[i];
            // pointer 
            Subscription storage currentSubscription = subscriptions[subscriberAddress][subscriptionID];
            items[i] = currentSubscription;

        return items;
