Seems like the Geth node is stuck in block 12964999? (pre-London fork block)


So I restarted today my Geth node and is repeating this:

INFO [08-07|14:40:34.090] Looking for peers ———————– peercount=2 tried=30 static=0

I checked in the Geth console a couple of things. First I tried admin.peers and the result was an array of 10 nodes (not 2 as it says in the log message, I don't understand why).

Then I tried checking eth.blockNumber and this is the most strange thing, I got a value of 12964999, exactly the last block before the London fork. This makes me think I should initialize Geth with some sort of parameter? I've been waiting for a couple of hours and is not able to find more than 2 peers. This is how I'm currently initializing Geth:

geth –syncmode=fast –cache=58000 –ws –ws.port 8181 –ws.api
"eth,net,web3,txpool" –txpool.globalslots 512 –txpool.accountqueue 0
–txpool.globalqueue 0


Best Answer

SOLVED: Apparently I had to upgrade Geth to the latest version 1.10.6