Solidity – Test Fails with Custom Error Despite Having MyCustomError: Diagnosis and Fixes


I'm writing a test that requires enterRaffle() to be reverted with MyCustomError – "Raffle__NotEnoughEthEntered"

describe("enterRaffle", async function () {
              it("reverts when you don't pay enough", async function () {
                  await expect(raffle.enterRaffle())

The test fails with error;

1) Raffle
         reverts when you don't pay enough:
     AssertionError: Expected transaction to be reverted with reason 'Raffle__NotEnoughEthEntered', but it reverted with a custom error
      at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/unit/Raffle.test.js:32:19)

Why is Raffle__NotEnoughEthEntered not a custom error?

I have read other similar issues but they don't solve my problem.

Raffle.sol error & enterRaffle
error Raffle__NotEnoughEthEntered();


function enterRaffle() public payable {
        // you can do this,
        //require (msg.value > i_enteranceFee, "Not Enough ETH!")

        // but we will use error codes for gas efficiency since storing strings if supper expensive
        if (msg.value < i_enteranceFee) {
            revert Raffle__NotEnoughEthEntered();

        if (s_raffleState != RaffleState.OPEN) {
            revert Raffle__NotOpen();

        //Emit an event when we update a dynamic array or mapping
        //name events with fuction name reversed. in this case event RaffleEnter()
        emit RaffleEnter(msg.sender);

Best Answer

as far as I know is used for catching string errors. To expect a Custom Error you need to use,NameOfTheCustomError). Also if the custom error have args you can add .withArgs(..args).

You can check an example for the use in the lsp-smart-contract repo.

Check the hardhat config file to see which package to use. I assume it's @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox.

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