tokens – How to Create Multiple NFT Collections Efficiently


I'm creating a platform where users can mint their own NFT collections, can you tell me the best way to do this? Do I create a contract just to store the collections and tokens, or whenever the user is going to create a collection, do I create a new ERC721 contract?

Best Answer

You can either 1) have a big @ss collection and keep all user collections and group them by user data or 2) you can make a mock contract and implement OpenZeppelin clones contract to make a new contract on users demand

Openzeppelin Github repo

  1. if you were to keep all tokens within one colllection youre saving deployment costs for your users but all the tokens would be centralized in one collection and you'd have to find a way to split royalties

  2. if you were to make a clones implementation, it will cost to the end user the gas for deployment

You can take a look at, they did what you're trying to do but in two steps; When they started, they had a big @ss collection where they store all tokens from their end users; but now they offer to help users to deploy their own contract

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