metamask – Step-by-Step Guide to Transferring an NFT via MetaMask


Im onto developing my own NFT project.
Im developing with the Truffle Suite and Ganache.
I can mint the NFT to my address, but whats wondering me: I cant send the NFT because the "send" button in MetaMask is greyed out.
Is this a bug by MetaMask, is it in the nature of NFTs that you cant just send them like normal tokens or is it something completly different.

Metamask screenshot

Thanks for your help

Best Answer

In order to enable transferring Tokens via MetaMask, I want you to re-check the smart contract source code. There might be a problem in implementing transfer function.

  • Make sure 'transfer' function has been implemented correctly.
  • Make sure that you haven't overridden 'beforeTokenTransfer' function for pre-process before calling transferFrom, safeTransferFrom or transfer function.
  • (Important) Make sure you are using MetaMask mobile(Currently sending NFTs is possible only on Mobile Metamask)

Hope this tips will give you helps!
