Ethers.js – Resolving TypeError: Cannot Read Properties of Undefined (Reading ‘0’)


I am running the propose.ts to execute the propose function from Governor contract the args are transacted on the local blockchain as I retrieved the logs from the transaction event.

EventLog {
    fragment: EventFragment {
      type: 'event',
      inputs: [Array],
      name: 'ProposalCreated',
      anonymous: false
    args: Result(9) [
      'This proposal shall execute the box store function to save the uint256 passed through proposal'

Here's the code according to the tutorial video though I am using ethers v6.[0].args.proposalId returns error

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')

const proposeTx = await governor.getFunction("propose")(
    [await box.getAddress()],
  // If working on a development chain, we will push forward till we get to the voting period.
  if (developmentChains.includes( {
    await moveBlocks(VOTING_DELAY + 1)

  const proposeReceipt = await proposeTx.wait(1);
  const proposalId =[0].args.proposalId
  console.log(`Proposed with proposal ID:\n  ${proposalId}`)

Best Answer

The receipt has the events listed under the logs key and not events. This should work:

const log = governor.interface.parseLog(proposeReceipt.logs[0]);
const proposalId = log.args.proposalId;
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