Uniswap – What Happens if Incorrect Ratio of Liquidity is Provided in DEX


Let's say you provide 1 ETH and 1 USDT liquidity to ETH/USDT pair on Uniswap or similar exchange.

Obviously you are not supposed to do this. But what would actually happen if you do?

Would there be any consequences? Would you lose a lot of money doing this?

Or would it automatically get balanced out to 50/50 ratio?

Best Answer

You will lose money. Here's why - Since most liquidity pools do not have external oracles to tell them the price ratio between two assets, they rely on participants providing the correct ratio. If you were to, as you say in your example, deposit 1 USDT and 1 ETH into a ETH/USDT pool, you would effectively be stating that you value 1 ETH to be worth 1 USDT. This is obviously not the case, and an external arbitrageur would quickly provide 1 USDT to the pool in exchange for your 1 ETH (Or something close to this, in reality the external arbitrageur would not be able to trade for your full 1 ETH, as the USDT/ETH ratio and therefore price increases asymptotically as the amount of ETH in the pool goes toward 0).

So to answer your question - You'd put in 1 ETH and 1 USDT and a few seconds later you'd be left with a tiny amount of ETH and a couple USDT.

Edit: I initially read your question as starting a pool with this ratio, however the same logic goes if you contribute this ratio to an already existing pool. You wouldn't be lowering the price per ETH to 1 USDT in that pool, but would still be lowering it by some amount inversely proportional to the size of the pool nonetheless and be making some arbitrageur very happy.

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