A Dwarven Key used for


A Longhorn Ram I killed in Dredgehaunt Cliffs dropped a Dwarven Key. It says it's an event item, but it wasn't dropped during an event, so I'm left wondering what the purpose of this key is.

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What is the Dwarven Key used for?

Best Answer

The key is used to open a door north of the Grey Road Waypoint in Dredgehaunt Cliffs, which starts the event Kill the imp lord to stop him from summoning more imps. The event is a battle against a Veteren Imp and small horde of Imps. After finishing the Event you'll be able to loot a chest, which will be located in the room behind the door.

The door is located just north of the Grey Road Waypoint in Dredgehaunt Cliffs. I've marked it on this map with a star.

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The door to the Event

The door leading to the tomb

Surprise! A whole bunch of lovely Imps to maul your face off.

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Once you take down the hoard of Imps, the Imp Lord is fairly easy to take down.

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Success! Now reward yourself to a chest of goodies.

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