A Nickel that can’t be picked up


I've played several runs in these days, and I've encountered twice a strange Nickel

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that I can't pick up.

I thought it was a bug, but two clues make an evidence.

It has nothing different from a normal Nickel (maybe it's a bit lighter), I hear the sound of a dropped coin when I touch it, and I can't understand what's its purpose.

Has anyone else found it? Any idea?

Best Answer

The purpose is still unclear, but it looks like it can be picked up if you bomb it.

This could mean two things:

  • the Nickel is glitchy and bombing it somehow resets its status, allowing you to pick it up, OR

  • the Nickel is connected to the Greed theme of the DLC. After all, using a bomb, worth 5 cents in the store, to get 5 cents from the floor means you value more the money than the items. Or maybe I'm reading too much into this.

McMillen and Tyrone Rodriguez have heavily hinted at secrets still undiscovered in the DLC, so this hard-to-pick Nickel may be tied to something else, at the moment still unknown.