A Whispers of the Old Gods pack


I recently started playing Hearthstone and in the launcher was announced that the "Whispers of the Old Gods" had arrived. And in the blog there was said that if you log in you should get 3 Whispers of the Old God packs. But I didn't get anything so I was confused because I couldn't find if it was a expansion pack or not.

If you know the answer please say if it is a expansion pack and tell me how to get it.

Best Answer

Whispers of the Old Gods is an expansion in Hearthstone similar to The Grand Tournament and Goblin vs. Gnomes.

To get these free packs, you have to win a certain amount of games in the Standard format, and there will be another quest to get more packs after you completed the first quest. So check your quests.

This expansion came out maybe a month ago? So I wouldn't be surprised if your window of opportunity has passed, however, you should get a free C'thun card.

EDIT: When I say "pack", I mean a pack of cards, not an expansion pack.