After accidentally changing the difficulty and reloading, can I still get the “Destiny Dominated” trophy


I play Reckoning: KoA on the PS3. I am playing the game on hard difficulty for the "Destiny Dominated" trophy, but I changed the difficulty accidentally due to the sudden popup screen which asked me to change the difficulty after a few deaths. I unintentionally clicked "yes", but then reloaded the game as I read that the trophy won't show up if you change the difficulty during the game.

Does the trophy show up anyway or do I have to start the game all over again?

Best Answer

Now I can answer this question by myself for sure. YES, the trophy will show up! Do what I did (simply reload the game after accidentally change) and go on. Then it will be like it never happened. And don't be feared! The trophy needs almost 10 seconds to show up. Have fun!