Skyrim – How to Remove Bounty After Murder or Robbery


I thought it would be nice to steal some useful stuff from people. However, the whole town got angry for me doing so. Seems someone did spot me doing so, I survived the first people by walking back out of the town and had to murder three man where I used up all my potions. When entering the town again I entered a building but the immediate moment I enter the building an angry person also enters right behind me and is much stronger than me. I don't seem welcome in this town anymore…

Here are my questions:

  • What should I do to survive from him and get rid of the bounty?

  • Can I run out of the town for a long distance so I lose aggro or bounty? Or will he keep following?

Best Answer

Crime is generally localized to the hold you're in: if you are kill-on-sight in one hold, running to the next hold over should cause the guards to drop pursuit without new guards joining the chase.

However, in general, you should always be able to pay the guards, even if they decide to attack you. As soon as they do, sheathe your weapons/spells/shields and hope they trigger the dialogue to allow you to go to jail or pay off your bounty.

If they don't, there are a few things you can try to do:

  • As Bri and RoughNeckRage mention, sometimes all you need is time. Wait out a few days and see if the situation hasn't died down by then. The guards will still want you to make reparations, though.

  • An anonymous user mentions that you can try sneaking up to a guard from behind and trigger the dialogue screen to pay off your bounty.

  • Stof mentions another possible thing, the bounty collector. The UESP suggests it's not guaranteed, but if he does visit you, you can pay off your bounty for a 20% premium (and even keep your stolen items!).