After some long exploration, how to find a system with populated stations to dock


One week ago, I have decided to go for a trip to find black holes after getting a fuel scoop. Right now, I am very very far away from the starting systems (may be >5000 to 10000 light years).

I want to find a station to dock, buy some new equipment and stuff. However, I have been searching for days and I still cannot find any. All systems around me only contain one to two big planets, nothing else. I am starting to feel frustrated.

Other than detonating myself in the cold space and start again, is there anything I can do to find a station other than randomly fly to systems and check?

Best Answer

Most of the populated space is near Sol. You can direct your ship towards Sol by moving towards the 0,0,0 coordinates on the Galaxy Map. Otherwise you might be able to find nearby populated systems on the Galaxy map by zooming out and playing with the View filters - anything with an Economy likely has a station.