Age of Empires Online Skirmish Strategy


So i almost feel embarrased to say that i got my butt handed to me by a computer on standard. From my previous experiences with Age of Empires i would've thought I stood a better chance, yet I found myself constantly dominated in every aspect of the game. The computer had control of almost every resource and any counter i threw at him was met with a smaller force that seemed to wreck my army. I feel like maybe my way of gathering resources was inefficient or the way maybe im building wrong.

I usually start out by putting my workers half and half with food and wood, then continue to spend the rest of my food on workers till i have a decent amount. It took me a while to get to Age 2 and even longer to get to Age 3 and I gave up after that. I had one barracks towards the end i built a second, an archery range, and some other building that builds healers. also I'm playing as the Celtics, and im level 6.

Best Answer

I just started playing as well and was a huge fan of AOE 2 and right now have a level 18 Greek city. Some buddies and I have been playing 4v4 skrimishes vs AI and get wrecked. We can only win if we somehow hold out long enough to resource starve the AI.

Basically what I do in order to mount a defense is build 12 villagers early game. I have 6 on food, 5 on wood, and one on gold. I can normally advance to age two by the time I have my 12th villager built. I normally have all six harvesting food before I have them harvest other resources.

Once in the second age I build 8 more villagers, sending more to wood, gold, and stone. With the stone I build walls around my city. I also build 2 barracks and 2 archery ranges. I normally build between 20-30 troops consisting of some of everything. that force will be used to hold off early attacks and possibly counter attack. From there, good luck