All current quests are in Markarth – and they hate me there


Early on in my quest, Dryston would not stop fighting in a fist fight so I accidentally ended up killing him. Since then I have had to kill all Markarth guards I see, so my bounty is quite high…

I have now sided with the Stormcloaks against the Empire – And all the current side quests are in Markarth. Every single one. I am at level 48, so can survive until I go through a door or move to another area, and eventually I run out of potions/arrows/strength.

It doesn't appear that I can simply surrender myself, despite trying after reading this question – they always attack rather than try and imprison me. Not sure if this is because I have a follower and a dog – the dog especially is a bit aggressive.

Anything I can do without resorting to console commands? I'd rather not have to start again unless I have to.

Best Answer

I couldn't use the patch, and I wasn't stealthy enough, so I tried sheathing the weapon.

It turns out that you can't just turn up with your weapon sheathed - they still attack, and you need to send your followers away, or else they get involved and a fight occurs.

So what you need to do is arrive alone with your weapon out, and when you are attacked, immediately sheath the weapon. Then you are arrested and sent to Cedhna - which gives you that mission.