Alliance benefits


What are alliance benefits between me and another empire? So far my experience is:

That if they are attacked, I have to come and help (otherwise they claim it as "Failed Missions"). But when I am attacked, they don't do jack. When I want them to attack somebody, they say "They're happy to help their neighbor" (or something like that; while in alliance), but then, they request +100.000 sporebucks. Offcourse I could lean ship of my ally. But why would I? It cannot take care of mine problems, neither his own. They're weak and fast to kill. When they die, you get "negativized" relation with them.

So what's the deal. I have to wipe their —, but they aren't helping me.

Best Answer

They give you extra supplies and resources and like you said you can have them attack people. You might be able to request assistance from them also if you are attacked, its been a while since I played that. Very sure you get resources though.