Am I using the stamina skills wrong in Elder Scrolls Blades


There are many times when I go to use a stamina skill (and my stamina bar is 100% full) that it just doesn't work. I'll press on the little diamond icon and nothing happens.

I've even made sure the palm of my hand isn't on the screen either. I've noticed this will prevent the skill from being used sometimes.

I've even made sure the skill "fill bar" or “timer” is all the way 100% unlike this shot below:

enter image description here

I know some skills are based on timing, but I've been able to use them even outside of the timing (granted they don't do anything effective).

This also happens on regular enemies, such as rats and spiders during 1 Star dungeons. So, it can’t be a max stamina thing.

So, the question is, is there a way to get your skills to work every time, or is this just a bug in the game right now?

Best Answer

  1. there is a cooldown timer for each skill. after you use a skill you must wait a certain amount of time to use it again. also, some skills used by enemies have a negative effect on your cooldown timers, so you have to wait longer to use them again.

  2. do you have enough max stamina to use the skill? some weapons carried by enemies have enchantments that lower your max health/magicka/stamina therefore it is possible that your max stamina(etc.) will be never enough high to use a skill as long as you fighting with that particular enemy.

  3. as long as you are holding your "tap" onto a weapon or shield, you cannot use a skill linked to it. for example, as long as you are holding your shield icon (meaning blocking with your shield) you cannot use skills linked to you shield(for example shield bash).

just a few tips, after playing for a month on a daily basis, hope this helps