Animal Crossing Leaf New: Messed up time to see the new year


Okay, I have a serious problem guys! I messed with the system settings to go back a day in time to be able to see the new year event since I was actually at new years with my family, but I screwed up, and it sent me FORWARD a year as well! I got to see the 2015 new years event in the game. I turned off the game without saving, and reset my date settings on my DS so I'd be at the 2014 event, but the game still thinks I've been gone for a year!

I've got bed head, my fields of flowers are gone, weeds are everywhere, and god only knows what else has changed!

How can I fix this!?

Best Answer

You can fix it by manually replanting the flowers, and plucking the weeds.

You can't really undo it at this point. The game recognized you as being away for a year, and your town progressed accordingly. There aren't any special mechanics relating to time travel beyond the normal passage of time going forward, time traveling to the future just accelerates things. Likewise, going back in time won't undo changes to the town (because you can't travel to the past in normal gameplay) -- so game data (the town) is manipulated and saved relative to the player's timeline as time passes.

If you wish to time travel again in the future, you can prevent changes to the environment by enacting the Beautiful Town Ordinance, which will keep your town in a persistent state (for the most part) while you're away. Villagers will still notice your absence, and your mail will still back up... but it shouldn't cause too much damage otherwise.

And for a bit of trivia... some of the other entries in the series did actually have penalties for time traveling, but they have been relaxed in New Leaf.