Any downside to pick-pocketing characters in the Ragged Flagon


There is a guy in the area that seems to have 1500 gold every time I check his inventory. I have a 0% success rate to steal it.

I've taken it every time, and it zooms out like I've been caught, but nothing happens. If I try to steal again in the same area I get 'You've already been caught pick-pocketing'.

So far I haven't found any downside.

Best Answer

The only penalty is not being able to try again for a while, which isn't really a penalty.

This is the same in Jorrvaskr if you're in the Companions (and I'm assuming the Dark Brotherhood and etc will all be the same).

If you assault them however, you'll have to earn their trust back by paying 1000 gold (which is stupid because I killed the archery trainer after paying him 20,000 gold and only had to give 1000 back).