Any tips regarding ‘The Great Eye’ encounter


I've just encountered 'The Great Eye', last time it killed a crew member and I wounder what positive sides does it have? Any tips regarding this encounter?

Inside this nebula you detect a rogue planet drifting through space, on its surface a huge monolith visible at this distance even to the
naked eye. A Zoltan elder hails you from the planet. "Through luck or
intent, you have discovered the Great Eye. Look into its depths and
receive your just deserts."

Best Answer

If you choose option 1, "Pull the ship in closer" one of four things can happen:

  • You receive the Healing Burst weapon
  • You fight a Zoltan ship (with standard rewards for winning)
  • You receive a high amount of scrap
  • You loose 1 crew member. (Having a cloning bay will not prevent this loss of crew)

Assuming you are in good enough shape to fight a Zoltan ship, 3/4 are positive results from the Great Eye. If you choose option 2 and leave, nothing happens.