Are any safes important to check


I've found that safes cost around five lockpicks for 261 or 287ish in loot. This doesn't seem like an even trade. Are there any safes that include gear or something else rare/valuable, or are they always just money and consumables? If the former, which? If the latter, I'd prefer to just skip them. Or are they as random as other containers?

Best Answer

Safes are containers, and containers (corpses, lockboxes, crates, trashcans, etc) can only contain certain types of loot:

  • Money
  • Food
  • Health Kits
  • Salts
  • Ammo

Safes have a very high probability of containing a large amount of money (100+ coins), but they will never contain Gear, Infusions, weapons, or voxophones.

There are some locked objects that require keys, and some pickable doors that have these items behind them, but they will never be in safes.