Are Friend Safari Pokémon gender locked


I have this Ponyta, Pyroar, Braixen Safari and have been trying to get a male Pyroar off it. At some point, I noticed something must be wrong and paid attention to the genders I was encountering, here are the results:

  • Out of 7 Ponytas, 1 was male
  • Out of 15 Braixen, 1 was female
  • Out of 30+ Pyroar, none was male.

This leads me to the conclusion that the Pokémon in the Friend Safari are at least very strongly shifted towards one gender, in some cases possibly even locked to one gender.

Can anyone confirm or disprove this theory? I don't want to spend hours searching for that male Pyroar if it just doesn't exist…

Best Answer

In two of your three cases, the Pokémon in question has a natural bias against your specific gender requirements:

  • Ponyta is 50% male, 50% female
  • Braixen is 87.5% male, 12.5% female
  • Pyroar is 25% male, 75% female

There doesn't appear to be any additional skewing applied by the Friend Safari, at least not from the incredibly small data sets you've given here.