Are gear spawns random


In the Worker Induction Center, there is a five-lockpick lock on the gondola near the checkpoint. I've noticed that upon reloading the checkpoint, gear always spawns behind the lock, but the gear isn't always the same.

  • Does the gear location pick between a few possibilities upon spawn, or is it completely random? (If so, what is available where?)
  • Do these gear locations always have gear, or do they not spawn once its options have dried up?
  • Does having certain gear affect the spawn? (Can you get the same gear twice?)
  • Is some gear more rare than others? (Is certain gear only available in late-level gear locations?)

Best Answer

To answer part of your question, most gear spawns are randomized:

One facet of Gear collection that should be noted is that, for the most part, gear collection is randomized. A few select pieces can be expected to appear in the same location every time you play Bioshock Infinite, but for the most part what you find when you check out a box will be different. This is randomized when they appear on the map. If you dislike what you find, you could restart from your last checkpoint and find it again, and fully expect it to be different. Note however that the checkpoints in Infinite are quite far apart.

Source: IGN BioShock Infinite Wiki, "Gear" article

Gear can be found in gift wrapped packages on numerous locations throughout the game (usually behind locked doors and discrete locations). Like loot containers, the contents of a gear package is randomized upon activation, meaning that reloading from a checkpoint and picking a gear package up again, will not yield the same. However, once a certain gear item has been acquired, it will not be available for spawn on in any other gear package.

Source: BioShock Wiki, "Gear" article