Are some of the challenges/treasures possible to miss forever


First off, after I finished the story for Tomb Raider, I went back and started collecting everything and completing challenges. I decided to make it a personal goal to get 100% of everything in this game without the help of any online guides or tips. Unfortunately, after spending a ridiculous amount of time searching for just a few last things I need, I'm starting believe I forever missed them because I didn't get them during the story, and there are some areas I can no longer seem to get to.

Without telling me where anything is or how to get them, let me tell you what I'm looking for and if possible, please just let me know whether "yes" it is still possible to get them or "no" it's too late after finishing the story.

I'm looking for the last two mines on Shipwreck Beach. I didn't get any during the story, and I feel like I've searched everywhere dozens of times and I'm still missing two. There's a section of Shipwreck Beach I can no longer seem to reach (because one of the gondolas you jump on during the story had fallen) and I feel like maybe two of the mines are past that point. I don't really know.

Another thing I can't seem to get is a document, which according to the map is located on the Endurance. It doesn't look like there is any way for me to get back onto the ship any more.

So please, don't tell me how to get these or where the mines are. If you can just let me know if it's still possible to get them, I'll keep trying on my own. Otherwise I won't waste my time.


Hmmmm… I suppose it would be okay if you also told me whether or not either of those two "unreachable" locations is still reachable. Just don't tell me if it's necessary! Thanks again.

Best Answer

No, none of the challenges and treasures can be missed forever. The developers have been careful on not putting any of this kind of content in the "one time only" zones. They've done a great work, instead, in hiding in plain sight your goals. As you should already know, all of the "Challenge" content doesn't show on the map, even with every ability unlocked, so you'll have to explore every inch of the map to find what you're looking for.

About the mines, you should search for them in the sea mostly, possibly behind rocks and eventually only reachable with your weapons (zooming can help).

You should be able to reach the document too, since it should be in the part of the Endurance that

didn't sink after the explosion.