The Secret World Achievements – Consequences of Eating 7,460 Delicious Tacos


Satan gave me a taco once. It made me mighty sick. So naturally, I was suspicious when I met a rather terrifyingly friendly demon-looking-creature in the markets of London who was all too happy to sell me a Taco.

Are there any ill effects, or even, much as it would shock me, beneficial ones to eating these Demon-Tacos? Additionally, there is an achievement, Tex-Mex T. Rex for eating 7,460 of these Tacos. Is there any reward or additional benefit conferred along with this achievement? Or is the only reward the smug, satisfaction of having eaten 7,460 tacos, smilingly served up by the servants of Satan himself?

Best Answer

Tacos speed up your out-of-combat health regeneration, but beyond that there are no other effects known at the current time. (The health regeneration bonus is actually pretty noticeable, even considering how quickly you regen in this game).

You can disassemble them into nachos, but there appears to be no use for those right now.

And of course they're delicious!

EDIT: Apparently this achievement just rewards a paltry amount of XP and nothing else.

DOUBLEEDIT: As of issue #2:

The coveted Taco Hat is now available if you have consumed 7460 tacos or more in-game.