Are the foil cards distinguishable (regarding original color) on Magic Duels (MtG)


I converted a card to foil on Xbox One and the color result wasn't as good as I was expecting.

The original card was a green one and the effect made it 'greyish', I don't know if I could differentiate blue and green cards, for example, after converting them to foil. I don't want to risk converting others, to later regret it.

It may be the case that the Xbox One version is not that good (regarding the color), or there may be some other problem with my TV. I'm planning to invest time and effort on the PC version, so I want to know if the color can be differentiated once converted.

Best Answer

Well, judge for yourself.

I recently encountered a foiled blue card and shot some screen.
Compare these pictures to your foiled green card, note how the border is blueish on all of these:

enter image description here

In general to me it's a bit hard to distinguish foiled multicolored cards or gates, but monos are easily spotted.