Are there any checks for cheating, or is the game based on trust


I have been playing Draw Something for 24 hours and I have noticed that a few random opponents spell out the answer if they cannot draw it.

This kind of ruins the fun, but I can imagine it would be a very quick way to earn coins which would otherwise cost money, to buy new colour packs.

So my question is, are there any checks in place to stop this? The players who have written out the answer in games against me seem to have got away with it.

Best Answer

After trolling through and there are no Official Rules published by OMGPOP.

So, I believe at the time of this post, there are no implementations to mitigate cheating other than the player opting to only draw. Also, there should now be a delete button in the new update, download it and you should be able to delete the games with cheaters.

However I came across this from one of the employees:

EMPLOYEE Joseph (Official Rep) 1 month ago

Hey David,

Word writing is technically cheating. You should refrain from writing words as much as possible. Try your best to draw out the word without words, it'll be more fun that way :D

Bests Joe