Are there any issues I should look out for when using a Plasma TV with the games console


I'm buying an HDTV for the living room, to watch movies and play on the PS3. Earlier, console gaming on Plasma TVs was a bad idea because of burn-in, refresh rates, and/or display quality for console/computer output.

Is this still a problem? Does anyone here play on a Plasma TV, and is the experience lacking or problematic in any way?

Best Answer

I have a plasma TV which was bought in January 2006 (5 1/2 years old at time of posting). I have used it regularly with a PS3 for 3 years. When I first got the TV I was concerned about burn-in so I was really watching out for it. I found that after playing a game with a HUD of some kind you could see some ghosting if you switched to something dark, e.g. a night scene in a movie. However as soon as something bright was displayed then the ghosting would be completely gone. I had actually forgotten that it was any kind of problem until I read this question!

Besides that very minor problem, I haven't found the experience lacking or problematic at all.