Are there any jobs that really need to be stealthed


I've never tried Framing the Frame, but I've heard from several people that it pretty much has to be stealthed. Is that true? If so, are there any other jobs that are difficult or impossible to complete once the cops have been alerted?

Best Answer

You don't need to stealth any mission, but there are two missions that are not worth doing any other way:

Framing Frame is not worth it without stealth. Day 1 takes much longer without stealth and is a lot harder that way, too. On day 3, you get no gold without full stealth (no alarms, even escaping!). Without the gold, the money you get is not worth the time put into the mission.

Big Oil is notorious for being almost impossible if the intel from day 1 is destroyed and alarm goes of on day 2. On the second day, it is important that the scientist does not have time to destroy the computers in the lab. With an alarm, the scientist is likely to destroy the displays.