Are there different difficulty settings


I started yesterday Assassin's Creed 2 on PC. I don't remember that the game asked me to select a difficulty setting at start. Is this available?

I am asking it because the fights I did in the first 2 hours I played were really easy. Are the fights more difficult when the adventure proceed?

Best Answer

No, there's no way to select a difficulty level in the game. You're right, the combat is not that difficult, especially when you get used to using counter-kills and are good at blocking But later on you will be facing more enemies at a time and every time you make a mistake you will lose health, so you do have to be careful. I can't remember ever actually dying in combat, though.

I don't remember about the first game, but there is also no difficulty selection in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (the 3rd in the series).