Are there diminishing return for crowd control


Considering that warriors can stun for X seconds with the Earthshaker Hammer skill.

If 5 warriors chain stun a target, will it be stunned by 5*X seconds ? (Considering that each stun is landed right after the previous one ends)

Best Answer

Relates to: Is it possible to stunlock in PvP?

It stands to reason that if you apply a condition after one has expired it will be applied again, thus if your timing was right you could keep a target stunned for as long as you had skills which could stun available.

Theoretically if you had a skill with 30s cooldown which stunned for 5 seconds, a team of 6 players could keep a target stunned indefinitely.

Whether the stun duration would change with subsequent applications of stun, I would hazard a guess to say that it wouldn't. That each application would last the correct duration.