Are there NPCs that can charge the items in Skyrim


I'm currently roleplaying non-caster character, who strictly avoids casting any spells. That means I cannot charge any soul gems by myself. Are there any NPCs that can charge my magic items for me?

Best Answer

I am using the following method for capturing souls, which does not require casting any spells. Thus, I can suggest this as another option.

1- Buy a weapon with "soul steal" enchantment. (The hunters in Winterrun sell one)

2- Disenchant to learn the "soul steal" enchantment.

3- Enchant a weapon of your choice with "soul steal" enchantment. (I use a bow for this.)

4- Whenever you kill a creature with this new weapon, you can capture its soul provided you have a gem available. You can then use the gem to recharge your weapons.