Are there optimum perk configurations for soldiers


I'm new to the series and have been playing the campaign on Easy and clicking away quite happily, but it's dawned on me that I've not picked some optimum perks for my soldiers.

Having looking through the perks I've noticed that many are complimentary, such as the Support soldiers Field Medic & Revive.

Are there other synergies like this?

Best Answer

TL;DR: As long as you pick skills from one side of the tree, they'll generally synergize pretty well. There's no 'optimal' perk configuration imo since it also depends highly on your play-style and strategies.

Generally, there are two skills you can pick per level, and the skills on one side of the tree synergizes better with other skills on that side. This is the same for all the classes. In your example with the medic, the left side of the tree focuses on healing while the right side focuses more on providing team support in the form of suppression fire, additional smoke grenades, combat drugs, etc.

The heavy is another great example for this, Holo targeting, Suppression, Danger Zone, and Mayhem are all on the right side and works great when taken together. However, this doesn't mean they are useless if you prefer to build a rocketeer. Some of them, such as danger zone and mayhem, also boosts rocket aoe and damage while holo targeting also affects normal attacks (personally I prefer bullet swarm since 2 attacks per round is great since you are almost always outnumbered).