Are there quest timers in Wasteland 2


Can I go freely around the Wastelands or do I have to consider a time limit for quests or regions? I know that right of the start you are confronted with the decision to either help the Agriculture Center or Highpool or neither.

Yet I am asking more in a general sense:

Does the world react to my deeds in the sense that I trigger any progress in a quest; or is time passing in the background without my knowledge, possibly changing certain quests or making them impossible to complete?

Best Answer

In regards to the first start and the choice between of Ag and Highpool the answer is yes. If you do not go to one of them in a reasonable amount of time both of them will be destroyed and you will be in a different main quest storyline where you must set up alternative repeators and radio towers. But one of them is going to be destroyed anyway since you are just 1 group of Rangers. After this, it does not seem to be a time limit and consequences for not following it.

I would advise you to go ASAP to one of those locations. They are not that fun in comparison to others IMHO, but they give valuable scrap,exp and other things.