Are there Secret Rooms in Greed Mode


In the Afterbirth DLC there is a new feature called Greed Mode.

According to the Rebirth wikia:

Each floor has a Curse Room, a Devil Room, a double-wide Shop, and an exit room all connected to a main double-height arena room with a button in the center. An already unlocked Treasure Room with a silver doorframe and a normal locked treasure room are also available.

In the shop, however, it's possible to buy the X-Ray Vision item, which reveals and opens all Secret Room and Super Secret Room entrances.

Before I waste my money, are there any Secret Room in the Greed Mode?


The Greed Mode wikia page now states that:

The level may also contain a Secret Room

Best Answer

The blog post introducing Greed Mode lists all possible locations for Super Secret Rooms in Greed Mode:

  • above the Shop
  • to the right of the Treasure Rooms
  • to the left of the Cursed and Devil room
  • below the exit room

enter image description here

It doesn't mention normal Secret Rooms, so I think there are none in Greed Mode.