At what levels do the various types of armour start to appear in Skyrim


I was wondering at what levels do the various types of armour start to appear?

For instance right at the beginning hide/studded is the more prevalent armor type (from memory) However I'm now level 18 and starting to see bits of Elven armour creep in to bandit chief loot, etc.

Best Answer

Copied from another post:

The full Heavy Armor progression is (with very rough levels):

  • Iron (lv 1)
  • Steel (lv 6)
  • Dwarven (lv 12)
  • Steel Plate (lv 18)
  • Orcish (lv 25)
  • Ebony (lv 32)
  • Dragonplate (lv 40)
  • Daedric (lv 48)

The full Light Armor progression is (with very rough levels):

  • Hide (lv 1)
  • Leather (lv 6)
  • Elven (lv 12)
  • Scaled (lv 27)
  • Glass (lv 36)
  • Dragonscale (lv 48)

Clothing doesn't progress, rather the enchantments get more powerful as your level increases.

Source: this answer by Cloudancer