Battlelog weapon tab doesn’t show unlocks


Recently I've encountered a small problem at Battlelog weapon tab with some weapons(standard weapons of each class I think). As you can see here,

enter image description here

Battlelog says that I don't have any more unlocks for AK-74M, but if you look at its' unlocks, you will see that there is a Rifle Scope(6x) at 300 kills and M145(3.4x) at 350 kills. Same goes with all other standard class weapons.

Is it a bug of my Battlelog(or browser/plugin) or a bug of Battlelog itself?


Best Answer

Ok, after the comment I see the bug too.

It seems to be only affecting the weapons that initially are for one faction only, but you've unlocked them for both. For example I've got M27 IAR and RPK-74M unlocked for opposing force. And indeed unlock bug seems to be affecting them

enter image description here

enter image description here

On the other hand, the I haven't yet unlocked AK-74M and M16A3 for opposing force, and the bug is not affecting them.

enter image description here

It's not rendering issue in the browser. The HTML is for next unlock is empty (unlike for other weapons).

<td class="item-nextunlock last">
  <div class="item-container">