Being reported for “Bad behaviour”


I'm pretty new to GTA Online, I've only played it a few times, but I was wandering around my own house and suddenly got a notification that another player had reported me for "bad behaviour". I have no idea what this means, or how I got it.

I don't have a microphone, I haven't sent any bad messages to people. I've never quit out of any missions early, either.

I WAS continuously targeted by a player or two in the "Lobby" (i.e. the map), and every time I respawned they would attack me. But that was all fun. Eventually I got my revenge and blew them and their car up with a bomb.

Sometime after that, I got "reported" by another player.

I have no idea if it's related to my revenge or not. Is there any reason why I would be reported by another player? Can anyone tell me what this means in real terms?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to stop people from reporting you for whatever reason they want.

Even if you get ganged up on and retaliate, this can still be construed as bad behavior.

This kind of thing is not limited to GTA. As Philipp Sander pointed out in the comment section, it's extremely prevalent in the League of Legends community as well.

Players will report you for any number of reasons, one of which is that they just felt like it at the time.