Best Eve-online Starter Character for research alt


I want to use one of my character slots to research BPOs at my Hi-Sec POS, and would therefore like to limit the amount of time I have to spend training them.

So, what is the best Race/Blood-line/Education combination to give the best set of Science/Research-oriented skills?

I have found some articles/blogs from circa-2007 to 2010, but these don't seem to apply any more since the release of Incarna.


Best Answer

The starting skills make a difference of a few hours at maximum, nothing you really need to worry about. And I checked some characters of mine and it seems you don't get any skill difference in the science skills in any case. You get Science 3, and that's it.

I also would not worry about the attributes, as you have a specific skill plan you should remap them immediately anyway.