Best farm Mutagen Samples


I need a lot of Mutagen Samples to do Infested research in my clan dojo. I know that Mutagen samples drop on Eris missions and Orokin derelict missions. Is there a specific mission within these locations or other game method/mechanic to easily acquire more Mutagen Samples? I am not looking to spend platinum to accomplish this.

Best Answer

There are only two ways to get Mutagen Samples, according the to WF Wikia:

  • Eris
  • Orokin Derelict

For Eris, I would pick the following nodes:

  • Akkad (Dark Sector Defense)
  • Zabala (Dark Sector Survival)

I would advise playing on a Dark Sector Defense or Dark Sector Survival the spawns are plentiful and mutagen samples will be easy to come by. However, since the Dark Sectors are clan owned, if the tax rates are too high, especially on resources, go to the Derelict.

For the Orokin Derelict, any mission works:

  • Survival
  • Sabotage
  • Defense
  • Exterminate

The easiest way by far will be to run a Defense, as you can sit in one spot, avoid relatively little harm (just watch out for the Mutalist Tar Ospreys), fire in one general area without moving around, and easily farm samples this way.

Loadout-wise, bring a Nekros with you for extra loot chance and a Vauban to gather up the loot in one place. A properly placed Vortex along with a Nekros can net you plentiful amounts of mutagen samples without the risk of going down, say in a survival or an exterminate.