Bestiary catching system


With the new Bestiary update I am trying to play around catching with nets I've gotten from drops. I noticed that when a Beast rages it breaks the net and is immune to netting until it cools down.

I'd like to know more about this rage system:

  1. Is there any signs/condition for it to rage? So far I've managed multiple catches without the monster raging but also failed a few because it did and died to my dps during the rage period.
  2. How do I know when the rage ends other than spamming 'v' until the next net is thrown?
  3. Is there any other effects to rage? So far I noticed the Beast will regain some health but are there any other effects?

Best Answer

1) If the hp of the monster is not low enough 3 seconds after throwing the net it will rage and escape, this threshhold depends on the type of net en monster. I don't know the threshhold. But making it run out of hp while netted will guarantee a catch.

2) I think there is a visual cue, but I'm not sure, I'll check tonight and update the answer.

3) As far as I know the only effect of raging is that it is impossible to catch for a few seconds. And it heals up some part of it's hp.