Better reward to be gained by completing the new Imperial Assignments


The "handsome rewards" aren't.

None of my Assignments give rewards that are higher than the cost of the items to build. For example, one of them wants 16 Internal Forcefields (1875 each) AND 14 Improved Alloy (1000 each). That means that it'd cost me 44,000 to build all of them. Unfortunately, the reward is only 29,316. This means it'd cost me about 14K to do the Assignment.

I don't see the point.

Is there some reason to spend more credits than the reward? Is there some way to reduce the upfront cost, or do these assignments stack up to something more significant making it worth the expenditure?

Best Answer

Every new Imperial item you finish building earns you some medals, and when accumulated to a certain number will net you some limited edition rewards.

The aim of getting these limited edition rewards is what keeps me churning out those new Imperial items, even if the direct benefits does not cover the costs.

There are also non-monetary rewards such as VIPs or Imperial Bucks.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Imperial Bucks reward