Better to take gold or experience in Might & Magic Heroes VI


In Might & Magic Heroes VI there are certain treasure chests that let you choose between gold and experience. To beat the game most easily which one should you choose early on?

Best Answer

It depends.

Generally speaking, a larger army is better than a few levels on a hero, so that would indicate that it is better to take the gold. However, as your hero gains levels, it takes more and more experience to gain a level, which makes the experience in the treasure chests worth relatively less, which indicates that you should take the experience to maximize its effectiveness.

Therefore, I usually choose gold on a small / medium map (when I know I will encounter enemy heroes in a short timeframe) and experience on larger maps (when I know I will have time to explore and build out my main town prior to encountering the enemy).

In the late game, you usually have more than enough gold and a high level hero, which is when I start leaving the treasure chests so that secondary heroes can get a few easy levels.